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Strenghtening Lungs, Defensive extracts from Covid-19


Practiced in Europe & medically documented in old medicine are extracts from pine trees, roots, needles, seeds & herbs. It is the best preventive strategy to strengthen the immune system and the lungs. What should work well against Corona virus is that extract; made from Canadian trees: bark, cone, needles, seeds, twigs roots & herbs. We use only certain kinds of pine trees that had growing bolete mushrooms from under their roots during autumn. For better results we also add other healing tree barks & herbs as well.

Up to date, I can say that organic and scientific research in conjunction with reading the art of the old masters are necessary ... Do you remember the images of herbalists in the forest, who cooked herbs, bark and sticks in pots during a deadly plague? Do you know what did they cook to heal themselves? .. Do you know that people in Alaska were experiencing harsh winters & survived by using trees in their diet? Do you know old, native Indian prescriptions for treating some diseases by using extracts from pine needles from the forest? Do you know that children in Europe chew on twigs when they had deficiency of some minerals?…

And now you know that organic chemistry and science are studying natural compositions of the molecular structures of these real organic compounds. Now scientists study composition of carbon rings and bonds in nature & that the charge (+) and (-) of these organic extracts allows for high absorption of their levels of Vit-C, minerals, arginine, proline, guanidine compounds, phytochemicals & 75% proanthocyanidins. They are strong antioxidant compounds (stronger than Vit C and E). This very good source of antioxidants reduces damage to the skin, mucus, lung cells & organs. It is a defence system from the best forest sources observed & researched. But to reveal the complex secrets it will take days of explanation. And we did study them for 15 years @ UWO & @ the Ridgetown University for 18 years; only to decipher tiny bit of natures secrets. As good news the Canadian Government is planning to make an order for their office and medical workers as well. So order the extracts for yourself as well and stay healthy :) Containers or bags for $60, $90, $120.This complex mystery of nature takes many days to explain but you can 

order it now.

  • Defensive extracts from Covid-19

    Practiced in Europe & medically documented in old medicine are extracts from pine trees, roots, needles, seeds & herbs. It is the best preventive strategy to strengthen the immune system and the lungs. What should work well against Corona virus is that extract; made from Canadian trees: bark, cone, needles, seeds, twigs roots & herbs. We use only certain kinds of pine trees that had growing bolete mushrooms from under their roots during autumn. For better results we also add other healing tree barks & herbs as well. Up to date, I can say that organic and scientific research in conjunction with reading the art of the old masters are necessary ... Do you remember the images of herbalists in the forest, who cooked herbs, bark and sticks in pots during a deadly plague? Do you know what did they cook to heal themselves? .. Do you know that people in Alaska were experiencing harsh winters & survived by using trees in their diet? Do you know old, native Indian prescriptions for treating some diseases by using extracts from pine needles from the forest? Do you know that children in Europe chew on twigs when they had deficiency of some minerals?… And now you know that organic chemistry and science are studying natural compositions of the molecular structures of these real organic compounds. Now scientists study composition of carbon rings and bonds in nature & that the charge (+) and (-) of these organic extracts allows for high absorption of their levels of Vit-C, minerals, arginine, proline, guanidine compounds, phytochemicals & 75% proanthocyanidins. They are strong antioxidant compounds (stronger than Vit C and E). This very good source of antioxidants reduces damage to the skin, mucus, lung cells & organs. It is a defence system from the best forest sources observed & researched. But to reveal the complex secrets it will take days of explanation. And we did study them for 15 years @ UWO & @ the Ridgetown University for 18 years; only to decipher tiny bit of natures secrets. As good news the Canadian Government is planning to make an order for their office and medical workers as well. So order the extracts for yourself as well and stay healthy :) Containers or bags for $60, $90, $120.This complex mystery of nature takes many days to explain but you can order it now.

  • Wzmocnij odporność przed wirusem Covid-19

    Najlepszy środek profilaktyczny aby wzmocnić układ odpornościowy przed wirusem Covid-19 jest wieloskładnikowy ekstrakt z kanadyjskich drzew: kory, stożka, igieł, gałązek, korzeni, ziół i nasion. Do tej pory mogę wam powiedzieć, iż badania organiczne i naukowe w połączeniu z czytaniem sztuki starego mistrza są niezbędne. Nasi przodkowie przekazywali nam wartościową wiedzę. ... Czy pamiętacie obrazy zielarek w lesie, które gotowały w garnkach zioła, korę i patyki podczas śmiertelnej plagi? Czy wiecie, co one gotowały aby wyleczyć siebie? Czy wiecie iż ludzie na Alasce przeżywali ostre zimy? Czy znacie indiańskie recepty na leczenie niektórych chorób igłami z lasu? … No i teraz czy wiecie iż naukowcy z wiedzą chemii organicznej badają naturalny skład struktur molekularnych tych prawdziwych związków organicznych, ich skład pierścieni węglowych i wiązań? Otóż ładunek (+) i (-) tych organicznych ekstraktów pozwala na wysoką absorpcję zawartych w nich poziomów Vit-C, minerałów, argininy, proliny, związków guanidynowych, fitochemikaliów, 75% proantocyjanidynów. Są to silne związki przeciwutleniające (silniejsze niż Vit C i E) . Jest to bardzo dobre źródło przeciwutleniaczy które zmniejsza uszkodzenia skóry, śluzu, komórek płuc i organów. Jest to system obronny z najlepszych źródeł leśnych. Tylko niektóre najzdrowsze drzewa mają te właściwości. Ta złożona tajemnica natury zajmuje wiele dni do wyjaśniania. Mikrobiolog Zuza z profesorem Kay studiowali na Uniwersytecie of Western Ontario i na Guelph University przez 15 lat, aby rozszyfrować odrobinę tajemnic tej natury. To co odkryli podali jako ważną wiadomość do rzadu Kanadyjskiego i dostali pozytywną odpowiedź. Bedą zamówienia dla pracownikow  państwowych i służby zdrowia aby się ludzie uodpornili od Covid-19 i od innych wirusów. Ty również możesz sobie zamówić te ekstrakty teraz, w formie gotowego wyciągu, lub jako sproszkowany surowiec i zaparzać go codziennie po łyżeczce jako cherbatkę do picia.


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